Monthly:septembre 2022
The fashion photographer who shot nude pictures of Melania Trump, Jarl Alé Alexandre de Basseville, as he likes to be known — “jarl” is Norwegian for earl — was also romantically linked to Hollywood royalty, with a brief marriage to Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter.
The Slovenia-born model was 25 when the photos were taken and was working under the name Melania K when she posed for French photographer Ale de Basseville.
Documentary film Charlie Chaplin: A Family Tribute produced by Jarl Ale de Basseville to reveal the true “vagabond tales” of Charlie Chaplin’s life, loves, works, trials and tribulations.
This book is his will (or maybe the last will not even writing by his ancestors) by Jarl Ale of Basseville, direct descendant from king Harald I of Scandinavia and famous the Jarl Robert of Basseville of Normandy.He speaks about his childhood of his education and about his route which allowed him to have this vision of the politics, the geopolitics, the economy and the world today through his family historical heritage which has been transmitted from generation to generation.He bring to us his own vision, and he considers…